Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Outside Photos

We did a super cute photoshoot outside today. The sun was low enough in the sky to give enough light, but not be so bright everything was washed out. Here are some awesome Aric pics:

I edited this with I think the effects were Boost and Cross Process.

This one I edited with Picassa. I used the temperature function and make the image "warmer."

These images were some nature ones that I took. The first is a bird's nest in our bush, and the second is a lilac bush in our yard. The first lilac photo was the Straight Out of the Camera shot (which I loved) and the second was edited in Picnik.

Comments, critiques? Scathing remarks?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Lots of photos tonight

This afternoon the lighting was PERFECT in the living room and Aric was playing in his exersaucer, which made for some awesome, bright, colorful pics. First I'll start with some images I edited, then to images I left as is. And, as always, feedback is appreciated!

Focal Length - 24.4mm
Exposure Time - 0.011s (1/90)
Aperture - f/4.0
ISO - 400
What I did - Just removed all color. Nothin fancy.

Focal Length - 32.5mm
Exposure Time - 0.002s (1/500)
Aperture - f/4.0
ISO - 400
What I did - Messed around with the brightness and contrast. And cropped it.

Focal Length - 40.0mm
Exposure Time - 0.017s (1/60)
Aperture - f/5.6
ISO - 400

Focal Length - 55mm
Exposure Time - 0.017s (1/60)
Aperture - f/5.6
ISO - 400

Focal Length - 23.1mm
Exposure Time - 0.017s (1/60)
Aperture - f/5.6
ISO - 400

Focal Length - 37.5mm
Exposure Time - 0.017s (1/60)
Aperture - f/5.6
ISO - 400

Focal Length - 55mm
Exposure Time - 0.017s (1/60)
Aperture - f/5.6
ISO - 400

Focal Length - 26.3mm
Exposure Time - 0.017s (1/60)
Aperture - f/5.6
ISO - 400